Home | SokoPlayer HTML5 | Competition | Level List | Post a Level | Forum | Log in or Register Comments for Level #20You need to log in to add a comment.登录后才能发表评论。 Solutions CommentsNo comments.The Level________#######________ _______##--*--##_______ ______##-.$.$.-##______ _____##-*-*#*-*-##_____ ____##-----.-----##____ #####-*$*$*.*$*$*-##### #--*-------.-------*--# #-#-#######$#######-#-# #---#------.------#---# ##$##-#-#######-#-##$## _#.---#-#--#--#-#---.#_ _#-####--$-#-$--####-#_ _#-#--#-#--#--#-#--#-#_ _#-#-$--#.-#-.#--$-#-#_ _#-#--#-#*-#-*#-#--#-#_ _#-#-*###-#-#-###*-#-#_ _#-#-.-----------.-#-#_ _#-########-########-#_ _#---#---#---#---#---#_ _###-#-#-#-$-#-#-#-###_ ___#--*.-#---#-.*--#___ ___#-$#-###-###-#$-#___ ___#--#----*----#--#___ #######-#######-####### #----------#----------# #-##$$$$#$$#.#$$$$$$#-# #-$--#-----#.---#-#-$-# #-$---#-##$#*###.-#-$-# #-##$..-#-...-#...--$-# #-$--.#-*.***.*--##-$-# #####.###.*@$-###.-##-# #-$--...*.*#*-*------.# #-$$#.$.##-.-.#-#$$$$## #-$--.#.-#.#.##...#--.# #-$-#...$#.#-.-#....#-# #-#$$$#$$--#-$$$$#$##-# #----------#---------.# ####################### Title: 新魔塔 a5 (MF8 51st Sokoban Competition, Main) Author: shamying + stopheart + anian main competition 90-boxes over-20-boxes over-50-boxes 31-on-goal 59-not-on-goal 23x38 large-size shamying stopheart anian Comment:Title: New Magic TowerWe are considering hosting the MF8 competition here on this site (sokoban.org) in the future, but as the new site is not very stable yet, it's better to submit solutions to the MF8 Sokoban Competition website: http://sokoban.ws . Of course, you can submit solutions to both sites.The current competition levels are stick to the top of the Level List.要获得(魔方)奖品,请到比赛网站提交答案:http://sokoban.cn Level Posted: 2013-09-18 04:38:27 (UTC) by chao