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For latest MF8 Sokoban Competition levels, please visit http://sokoban.ws

89 - [MF8 Competition #53,main]Competition Time: 2013-11-15 00:00:00 (UTC) - 2013-12-06 00:00:00 (UTC)

Title:20120805b 垂帘听政 (MF8 53rd Sokoban Competition, Main)

 main   competition   74-boxes   over-20-boxes   over-50-boxes   52-on-goal   22-not-on-goal   24x19   medium-size   gyjgw 

Title:  hold court from behind a screen

To take part in the competition, please visit http://sokoban.ws


Level Posted: 2013-11-14 11:36:06 (UTC) by chao

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88 - [MF8 Competition #53,extra]Competition Time: 2013-11-15 00:00:00 (UTC) - 2013-12-06 00:00:00 (UTC)

Title:河洛图 (MF8 53rd Sokoban Competition, Extra)
Author:zhouxh + gyjgw

 extra   competition   91-boxes   over-20-boxes   over-50-boxes   55-on-goal   36-not-on-goal   19x25   medium-size   zhouxh   gyjgw 

Title: Magic Square

Competition website: http://sokoban.ws

Level Posted: 2013-11-14 11:33:11 (UTC) by chao

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48 - [MF8 Competition #52,extra]Competition Time: 2013-10-18 00:00:00 (UTC) - 2013-11-08 00:00:00 (UTC)

Title: 大象b (MF8 52nd Sokoban Competition, Extra)
Author:风过Liao无痕 + anian + gyjgw

 extra   competition   49-boxes   over-20-boxes   40-on-goal   9-not-on-goal   25x14   medium-size   liao   anian   gyjgw 


Title: elephant b

The MF8 Sokoban Competition web site: http://sokoban.cn or http://sokoban.ws

参加魔方吧推箱子比赛,请访问 http://sokoban.cn

Level Posted: 2013-10-12 06:14:35 (UTC) by chao

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47 - [MF8 Competition #52,main]Competition Time: 2013-10-18 00:00:00 (UTC) - 2013-11-08 00:00:00 (UTC)

Title: 海底世界1 海马 d2 (MF8 52nd Sokoban Competition, Main)
Author:风过了无痕(SokoWind) + anian +stopheart

 main   competition   75-boxes   over-20-boxes   over-50-boxes   60-on-goal   15-not-on-goal   28x29   large-size   sokowind   anian   stopheart 


Title: undersea world 1 - seahorse d2

To take part in the competition, please visit http://sokoban.cn or http://sokoban.ws  (Two domain names for the same site).


Level Posted: 2013-10-12 06:11:30 (UTC) by chao

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23 - [MF8 Competition #51,extra]Competition Time: 2013-09-20 00:00:00 (UTC) - 2013-10-11 00:00:00 (UTC)

Title: 伍仁月 (MF8 51st Sokoban Competition, Extra)
Author: laizhufu + gyjgw

 extra   competition   76-boxes   over-20-boxes   over-50-boxes   60-on-goal   16-not-on-goal   20x20   medium-size   laizhufu   gyjgw 

It's the Chinese Mid-Autumn Day on Sep. 19 this year. People eat moon-cakes on Mid-autumn Day. So this level is a mooncake with five kernel.
 We are considering hosting the MF8 competition here on this site
(sokoban.org) in the future, but as the new site is not very stable yet, it's better to submit solutions to the MF8 Sokoban Competition website:  http://sokoban.ws . Of course, you can submit solutions to both sites.

The current competition levels are stick to the top of the Level List.



此关 99% laizhufu编,荆先生改动了 1%。

Level Posted: 2013-09-19 05:25:38 (UTC) by chao

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20 - [MF8 Competition #51,main]Competition Time: 2013-09-20 00:00:00 (UTC) - 2013-10-11 00:00:00 (UTC)

Title: 新魔塔 a5 (MF8 51st Sokoban Competition, Main)
Author: shamying + stopheart + anian

 main   competition   90-boxes   over-20-boxes   over-50-boxes   31-on-goal   59-not-on-goal   23x38   large-size   shamying   stopheart   anian 

Title:  New Magic Tower

We are considering hosting the MF8 competition here on this site
(sokoban.org) in the future, but as the new site is not very stable yet,
it's better to submit solutions to the MF8 Sokoban Competition
website:  http://sokoban.ws . Of course, you can submit solutions to both sites.

The current competition levels are stick to the top of the Level List.



Level Posted: 2013-09-18 04:38:27 (UTC) by chao

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